01865 872334
Holton Parish Council Meeting
Holton Village Hall Committee Room
Parish Council Meeting
Councillors are summonsed to the Virtual Meeting of Holton Parish Council on Monday 13th March 2017 at 7.30 pm
in Holton Village Hall Committee Room
Signed: S. L. Barter, Clerk to the Council
Members of the Public wishing to attend the meeting please contact the clerk for details of log-in Contact: clerk@holtonparishcouncil.org.uk or 01865 872334
Members are reminded that if they have an interest to declare in any agenda item they should do so in advance of the meeting in the book provided for this purpose.
Members should endeavour to acquaint themselves with the plans before the meeting and also if possible visit
the sites. Planning applications may be viewed:
a. On the SODC website at www.southoxon.gov.uk/planning/ApplicationList.jsp
b. By prior arrangement with the clerk. (01865 872334)